Amiga Forever by Cloanto
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3.1 Workbench ADF



Q: Where do I find a floppy disk image of the 3.1 Workbench disk?



A: All versions of Amiga Forever 6.0 and higher include a 3.1 Workbench disk image (ADF file). Version 3.1 is the last system version which was supplied in a format capable of running from a floppy disk.

The Plus Edition of Amiga Forever 2006 and higher includes a complete set of 3.1 floppy disk images (not just the first disk, labeled "Workbench").

Please note that the preinstalled Workbench 3.X environment of Amiga Forever uses files which are newer than the original 3.1 system set. It is not recommended to install any files from the 3.1 floppy disk image to the Workbench 3.X environment.

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Article Information
Article ID: 13-133
Platform: All
Products: Amiga Forever
Additional Keywords: None
Last Update: 2008-10-25
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